Andean Coot
Fulica Ardesiaca

Hi! I’m the Andean Coot, you can recognize me by my 40 to 46 cm in lenght and my slate grey bulky body, also, my head and my neck are black. Atop my yellow beak with grey on its tip, I have a red balloon-like shield that sets me apart from other coot species, besides, my beak can change its color to white during winters. I am a very good swimmer, thanks to my long and lobed greenish yellow fingers, which are suited for that purpose. When I’m in my breeding season, which happens between spring and summer, I can be very territorial to other brids species only to get the best spot.

I usually live at lakes, lagoons, wetlands and high mountain rivers of the Andes range in El Loa province.

¿Do you want to hear what's my song like?
